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From Hurdles to Heights: Crafting Processes in Diverse Industries

Experience how we've revolutionized businesses in SaaS, sustainability, and data-driven sectors. From overcoming delivery delays to enhancing collaboration, our tailored solutions drive growth and efficiency. Discover our success stories with Sofascore, Alvin, Greyp, and Groovybox, unlocking scalability, strategic development, and measurable progress.


Let's shape your success story together!

Delivery time decreased from +4 weeks to 2 weeks!

Project's challenges

Companies were battling prolonged delivery times, which impeded their ability to keep up with market demands and timely innovation.

A lack of proper and strategic planning was leading to ineffective resource allocation, uncertain project timelines, and reduced overall productivity.

 Frequent alterations and additions to the project scope after the project commencement were causing disruptions in work schedules, delays, and budget overruns.

Companies were facing challenges due to insufficient quality assurance processes, leading to a significant number of bugs.

Some changes introduced were not generating the expected impact or value, causing wastage of resources and efforts.

Companies were finding it difficult to align their changes and enhancements with the broader product vision.

There were instances of miscommunication or lack of clarity between different teams or departments, leading to uncoordinated efforts.

Changes were often implemented without proper change management processes in place, resulting in resistance from employees & reduced morale.

Elevating Efficiency: Agile Integration in 5 Startups

What was done?

Sofascore Scrum

Introduced Scrum at Sofascore to improve planning, delivery speed, and team alignment. Smaller sprints and enhanced collaboration led to a unified direction and shared objectives.

Greyp Scrum

Agile methodologies  were implemented to address team management challenges and enhance product reliability. This approach promoted visibility, collaboration, and rapid issue resolution.


Alvin ShapeUp

ShapeUp method was implemented at Alvin, shifting to impactful development cycles aligned with customer needs. This approach minimized inefficiencies, fostering a strategic, result-oriented work culture.

Groovybox roadmap

Groovybox, in its initial product development stage, benefited from a structured roadmap. This guided the creation of milestones and KPIs, facilitating a planned, strategic approach to achieve a tangible prototype."


We succeeded in improving workflows and creating scalable processes!


Scalability and Efficiency

Sofascore's Scrum implementation improved scalability. Iterative sprints allowed multitasking without quality compromise. Scrum eased new member onboarding, enhancing scalability.


Enhanced Inter-Team Collaboration

Greyp's Agile adoption boosted teamwork. Agile transparency aided Embedded software, App software, and Hardware teams, enhancing coordination, speed, and product reliability.


Structured and Measurable Development

Groovybox's roadmap and KPIs ensured structured development. It facilitated smooth idea-to-product transition, providing clarity, progress tracking, and performance assessment.


Bug Reporting and Resolution

In both Sofascore and Greyp, Agile methods and Scrum's iterative approach enhanced bug identification and resolution. By integrating this into sprint reviews, issues were swiftly caught and fixed.


Strategic and Impactful Development

Alvin's switch to the ShapeUp method led to impactful, strategic changes. Extended cycles enabled user-focused projects, maximizing resource allocation and adding user value.


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