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Continuous discovery

Within Superbet (Happening), a distinguished European betting enterprise boasting 700,000+ active monthly users, the Continuous Interviewing process was introduced. This incorporation, influenced by Teresa Torres' practice, fosters faster product enhancements.

Introduced Continuous Interviewing in betting company.

Project's challenges

The Superbet team was missing an automated direct line of communication with their user base across multiple countries.

Without real-time feedback, product iterations were slower, impacting the product's ability to respond to user needs swiftly.

 Without regular user insights, there was a risk of the product development process becoming less aligned with user needs.

The teams did not have a clear understanding of who their real users were, which made it harder to tailor the product to the needs of users.

Without rapid user insights, it was challenging to determine user preferences in different product areas. 

The team had limited visibility into how users might perceive potential future product ideas, resulting in less valued concepts.

Absence of integrated feedback risked product-centric focus.

Without regular, direct insights from users, decision-making could be based on assumptions rather than data.

Automated user interview recruitment brought down the process timeline from 30 days to just 2

What was done?


Utilizing an in-app solution, we drastically reduced the recruitment timeline from 30 days to just 2. Collaborating effectively with the Data Analytics team, we ensured the selection of top-notch interview candidates, achieving remarkable time and cost savings without compromising quality.

Automated schedule

We streamlined recruitment using Calendly for efficient prescreening and interview scheduling, synced with interviewer calendars. Each participant received essential legal documents, preparation guidelines, and timely reminders for a seamless experience.

Calendar Pages

Insights database

We created an insights database, capturing interview details, tags, and overarching insights. This database streamlined data management, aiding trend identification. By leveraging this resource, we generated precise insights that guided impactful product development, fostering a user-centric approach.

Scalable Process

Through the integration of in-app recruitment with tools like Calendly and Notion, we established a scalable process that could be readily adopted by different teams within the organization, promoting uniformity in embracing a user-centric methodology.




The introduction of a well-defined screener resulted in drastic improvements in the quality of interview participants!


Streamlined Recruitment Process

Automated user interview recruitment brought down the process timeline from 30 days to just 2, leading to significant time and cost savings.


Efficient Data Management

The establishment of a comprehensive database allowed for efficient organization, storage, and retrieval of user data, thereby aiding in easier trend identification and analysis.


Pioneering User-Centric Approach

The continuous interviewing process, the first of its kind in Superbet, paved the way for a more user-centric approach, marking a transformational shift in their operational strategy.


Improved Participant Quality

The introduction of a well-defined screener resulted in drastic improvements in the quality of interview participants, facilitating more insightful and relevant data collection.


Informative User Insights

Thanks to improved data collection and analysis, our teams could generate more precise and actionable insights that significantly guided product development decisions.


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